Election Peace Pledge Weekly Podcast

America's Family Reunion

Healing The Wounds

Election Peace Pledge

In the heart of America, the family stands as the cornerstone of our nation, where the values of love, responsibility, and unity take root. Just as a family must nurture and protect its bonds, so too must our nation strive to heal its divisions and renew its commitment to peace and  a common accord.
At this crucial moment, we call on every American to join in a pledge—a pledge that goes beyond politics, reaching into the core of our shared humanity. The divisions we see today are the lingering echoes of a wound that has never fully healed—the split in America’s family during the Civil War. The unresolved pain of that era still resonates, influencing our present conflicts and divisions.
Reflecting on the lessons learned within our own families, where love and responsibility guide our actions, we understand that the strength of our nation mirrors the strength of our families. Just as a child needs both a mother and a father, our country needs all of us—working together, respecting one another, and upholding the principles that unite us. This is not just about the outcome of an election; it’s about the values we instill in the next generation, the unity we build in our communities, and the future we shape together.
Let us draw inspiration from the strength of our family bonds. Our nation's health begins within our homes. Today, let us pledge to honor not only our own families but also this nation as our extended family.
Starting now and continuing through November and beyond, let us take our unity and peace pledge. By promoting fair elections, rejecting violence, and accepting the results, we honor the legacy of those who have fought to secure our freedoms. Together, we can transform our challenges into opportunities for healing and growth.
The American family is not just a concept—it's the living, breathing heart of our country. As we come together for America’s Family Reunion, let’s remember that our greatest strength lies in our ability to heal, to forgive, and to build a future that reflects the best of who we are.
Let us pledge peace, for the sake of the American family, and finally begin to heal the wounds that have divided us since the Civil War.

The Election Peace Pledge

The first step in the process is to join with your fellow Americans in taking the pledge:

I pledge to:

1. Become an informed voter and participate in our elections as a duty of citizenship

2. Promote free and fair elections for all

3. Treat my fellow citizens with respect regardless of opposing viewpoints and political discourse

4. Not be involved in any political violence leading up to Nov 5 and into the next administration

5. Peacefully and respectfully accept the will of the American voters

6. Enlist others in this campaign for Unity and Peace in our country as a civic duty

7. Work to bring unity among all Americans regardless of the result of the election

Peace Pledge Sponsors.
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