Inspired by her own family’s journey, Cheryl’s work for creating strong families is recognized as one of the top 5 Next Best Brilliant Ideas for Humanity.
Cheryl is referred to as the common-sense coach, taking a practical approach to life, family values and communication. She previously served as the Executive Director to a major health care association and then embarked on an entrepreneurial journey that led her back home…literally.
As an International best-selling author and speaker, she shares that journey home and a true pathway of how to connect with your family for life. Her message is grounded in 4 Gifts that foster personal responsibility and effective communication...creating connections where everyone feels heard, respected, supported and celebrated.
Her Award-Winning Unstoppable Family Meeting Toolkit, along with the 4 Gifts, gives you everything you need today, to have an unstoppable connection with your family tonight.
However, Cheryl’s message doesn’t stop at the kitchen table…her 4 Gifts are powerful at boardroom tables around the globe.
Blog Posts On Global Won Partners Activities
Expand Your Horizons with Cyber Security Global Won is partnering with Reyncon Educational Services & Training to provide a 10-week entry-level Cyber Security Training. Take advantage of this opportun... ...more
November 15, 2024•2 min read
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